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Lost Chinese Youth Intrigued by Emerging Civil Brainwashers

As China is experiencing its pain of social and economic transformation and the new generation is entering their adulthood, the young generation gets lost. The Chinese youth, especially the 80s (born in the 1980s), are eager for suggestions from the

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Weak Awareness of Internet Copyright in China

Last night I told my wife I’ve opened an English blog. This move is a bit confusing because my Chinese blog is under good operation and has a lot of readers, but my wife understood it after I explained. One

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SEO Obsession in China

As I made traffic of Mobile Gaming Portal of China Mobile grow several times, many companies in Nanjing want an interview with me, but we always disappoint each other. In my opinion, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is just an auxiliary

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I’m a blogger, editor and translator from China, now chief editor of a mobile gaming media site.
"Internet in China" refers to the special internet environment in China blocking foreign services and creating unique phenomena.


